Saturday, November 13, 2010

Death Enables More Evolved Life-forms. {196.}

Death Enables More Evolved Life-forms. {196.}

“I died from minerality and became vegetable;
And from vegetativeness I died and became animal.
I died from animality and became human.
Then why fear disappearance through death?
Next time I shall die
Bringing forth wings and feathers like angels;
After that, soaring higher than angels.
What you cannot imagine,
I shall be that.”

---- Jalaluddin Rumi.

Laziness Cannot Lead to Perfection. {195.}

Laziness Cannot Lead to Perfection. {195.}

“No one attains perfection by merely giving up work.”

---- The Bhagavad Gita.

The Way of the Gurumukh. {194.}

The Way of the Gurumukh. {194.}

“Everything comes from the Naam, the Name of the Lord;
without the True Guru, the Naam is not experienced.
The Word of the Guru’s Shabad
is the sweetest and most sublime essence,
but without tasting it,
its flavor cannot be experienced.
He wastes this human life in exchange for a mere shell,
who does not understand his own self.
But if he becomes Gurumukh,
then he comes to know the One Lord,
and the disease of egotism does not afflict him.
I am a sacrifice to my Guru,
who has lovingly attached me to the True Lord.
Concentrating on the Word of the Shabad,
the soul is illumined and enlightened.
I remain absorbed in celestial ecstasy.
The Gurumukh sings the Praises of the Lord;
the Gurumukh understands.
The Gurumukh contemplates the Word of the Shabad.
Body and soul are totally rejuvenated through the Guru;
the Gurumukh affairs are resolved in his favor.
The blind self-willed manmukh acts blindly,
and earns only poison in this world.
Enticed by Maya, he suffers in constant pain,
without the most Beloved Guru.
He alone is a selfless servant,
who serves the True Guru,
and walks in harmony with the True Guru’s Will.
The True Shabad, the Word of God,
is the True Praise of God;
enshrine the True Lord within your mind.
The Gurumukh speaks the True Word of Gurbani,
and egotism departs from within.
He Himself is the Giver,
and True are His actions.
He proclaims the True Word of the Shabad.
The Gurumukh works, and the Gurumukh earns;
the Gurumukh inspires others to chant the Naam.
He is forever unattached,
imbued with the Love of the True Lord,
intuitively in harmony with the Guru.
The self-willed manmukh always tells lies;
he plants the seeds of poison,
and eats only poison.
He is bound and gagged by the Messenger of Death,
and burnt in the fire of desire;
who can save him, except the Guru?
True is that place of pilgrimage,
where one bathes in the pool of Truth,
and achieves self-realization as Gurumukh.
The Gurumukh understands his own self.
The Lord has shown that the Word of the Guru’s Shabad
is the sixty-eight sacred shrines of pilgrimage;
bathing in it, filth is washed away.
True and Immaculate is the True Word of His Shabad;
no filth touches or clings to Him.
True Praise, True Devotional Praise,
is obtained from the Perfect Guru.
Body, mind, everything belongs to the Lord;
but the evil-minded ones cannot even say this.
If such is the Hukam of the Lord’s Command,
then one becomes pure and spotless,
and the ego is taken away from within.
I have intuitively tasted the Guru’s Teachings,
and the fire of my desire has been quenched.
Attuned to the Word of the Guru’s Shabad,
one is naturally intoxicated,
merging imperceptibly into the Lord.
The Name of the Lord is known as True,
through the Love of the Beloved Guru.
True Glorious Greatness is obtained from the Guru,
through the Beloved True Name.
The One True Lord is permeating and pervading among all;
how rare is the one who contemplates this.
The Lord Himself unites us in Union, and forgives us;
He embellishes us with true devotional worship.
All is Truth; Truth, and Truth alone is pervading;
how rare is the Gurumukh who knows this.
Birth and death occur by the Hukam of His Command;
the Gurumukh understands his own self.
He meditates on the Naam, the Name of the Lord,
and so pleases the True Guru.
He receives whatever rewards he desires.
O Nanak, one who eradicates self-conceit from within, has everything.”

---- Guru Nanak Dev; The Guru Granth Sahib.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Intentions Determine Value of Deeds. {193.}

Intentions Determine Value of Deeds. {193.}

“Narrated ‘Umar bin Al-Khattab:
I heard Allah’s Apostle saying,
‘The reward of deeds depends upon the intentions
and every person will get the reward
according to what he has intended.
So whoever emigrated for worldly benefits
or for a woman to marry,
his emigration was for what he emigrated for.’”

---- The Hadith; Sahih Bukhari,
Volume 1, Book: Revelation, Hadith 1.

Power of Believing Fulfills Prayers. {192.}

Power of Believing Fulfills Prayers. {192.}

“This is why I am telling you:
When you are praying
and asking God for something,
believe that you have received it,
and it will happen for you.”

---- The Bible; Mark 11:24

If You Want Real Peace .... {191.}

If You Want Real Peace .... {191.}

“Peace comes from within.
Do not seek it without.”

---- Gautama Buddha.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Worship: Pure or With Motive. {190.}

Worship: Pure or With Motive. {190.}

Worship of God ought to be pure,
as an end in itself.

One shouldn’t seek anything from God,
beyond Her Love & Grace.

It appears unfortunate
that God is generally viewed
as an avenue for the
fulfillment of one’s selfish desires.

People seem to be
conducting a ‘trade’ with God,
on the assumption
that their worship
obliges Him to
grant them their desired ends.

But the people’s assumption
of ‘trade’ with God
may not be shared by God.

Is it not likely that God
may have Her Own
Criteria & Expectations
with regard to people’s
faith & prayers?

The Param Guru of Dayalbagh
Is here only to guide sincere devotees
in their striving for salvation.

All other worldly matters
are of lesser significance.

God’s worship should be sincere.
Worship of God corrupted
with one’s base desires
cannot be expected to
either please God,
or to grant one satisfaction
in the ends sought
in either worldly or spiritual sphere.

Note: This is drawn from & inspired by the scriptures, practices & teachings pertaining to the Radhasoami religion of Dayalbagh.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Keep Progressing along Spiritual Path. {189.}

Keep Progressing along Spiritual Path. {189.}

“It does not matter how slowly you go,
so long as you do not stop.”

---- Confucius, Chinese philosopher.

Wisdom Dispels Darkness from Life. {188.}

Wisdom Dispels Darkness from Life. {188.}

“Out of compassion,
I destroy the darkness of their ignorance.
From within them, I light the lamp of wisdom
and dispel all darkness from their lives.”

---- The Bhagavad Gita.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Transitory Relationships & Worldly Possessions. {187.}

Transitory Relationships & Worldly Possessions. {187.}

“Does anyone know, who is our friend in this world?
He alone understands this, whom the Lord blesses with His Mercy.
Immaculate and unstained is his way of life.
Mother, father, spouse, children, relatives, lovers, friends and siblings meet,
having been associated in previous lives;
but none of them will be your companion and support in the end.
Pearl necklaces, gold, rubies and diamonds please the mind,
but they are only Maya.
Possessing them, one passes his life in agony;
one obtains no contentment from them.
Elephants, chariots, horses as fast as the wind,
wealth, land, and armies of four kinds,
none of these will go with one;
one must get up and depart, naked.
The Lord’s Saints are the beloved lovers of God;
sing of the Lord with them.
O Nanak, in the Society of the Saints,
you shall obtain peace in this world,
and in the next world,
your face shall be radiant and bright.”

---- Guru Nanak Dev; The Guru Granth Sahib.

A Salute to God’s Greatness. {186.}

A Salute to God’s Greatness. {186.}

“The Lord and Cherisher of the Worlds --
Who created me, and it is He who guides me;
Who gives me food and drink,
And when I am ill,
it is He who cures me;
Who will cause me to die,
and then to live again;
And Who, I hope,
will forgive me my faults
on the Day of Judgment.”

---- The Quran; 26:77-82.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Believe to Allow Prayers’ Fulfillment. {185.}

Believe to Allow Prayers’ Fulfillment. {185.}

“This is why I am telling you:
When you are praying
and asking God for something,
believe that you have received it,
and it will happen for you.”

---- The Bible; Mark 11:24.

Violence not Any Lasting Solution. {184.}

Violence not Any Lasting Solution. {184.}

“Through violence, you may ‘solve’ one problem,
but you sow the seeds for another.”

---- The 14th Dalai Lama.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

God is Omnipresent; Keep Faith. {183.}

God is Omnipresent; Keep Faith. {183.}

God is omnipresent.
Let us not doubt it.
Let us never doubt it.

Regardless of the fact that
life may apparently contain much
that might disappoint a devotee
about God’s love & omnipotence,
God remains omnipresent,
loving and caring.

God’s ways are mysterious indeed
& His Plans work subtly,
but the truly devout shall
finally be adequately satisfactorily redeemed.

One’s faith may frequently be
put to test & trial,
& we should emerge therefrom
the purged, stronger, more resolved!

Note: This is drawn from & inspired by the scriptures, practices & teachings pertaining to the Radhasoami religion of Dayalbagh.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

In the Beloved's Loving Arms. {182.}

In the Beloved's Loving Arms. {182.}

“How did you get away?
You were the pet falcon of an old woman.
Did you hear the falcon-drum?
You were a drunken songbird put in with owls.
Did you smell the odor of a garden?
You got tired of sour fermenting
and left the tavern.

You went like an arrow to the target
from the bow of time and place.
The man who stays at the cemetery pointed the way,
but you didn’t go.
You became light and gave up wanting to be famous.
You don’t worry about what you’re going to eat,
so why buy an engraved belt?

I’ve heard of living at the centre,
but what about leaving the centre of the centre?
Flying toward thankfulness, you become the rare bird
with one wing made of fear, and one of hope.
In autumn, a rose crawling along the ground in the cold wind.
Rain on the roof runs down and out by the spout
as fast as it can.

Talking is pain. Lie down and rest,
now that you’ve found a friend to be with.”

---- Mystical poem by Jalaluddin Rumi.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

The Three Gates to Hell. {181.}

The Three Gates to Hell. {181.}

“Hell has three gates: lust, anger, and greed.”

---- The Bhagavad Gita.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Difference between Gurmukh & Manmukh. {180.}

Difference between Gurmukh & Manmukh. {180.}

“Everything comes from the Naam, the Name of the Lord;
without the True Guru, the Naam is not experienced.
The Word of the Guru’s Shabad is the sweetest and most sublime essence,
but without tasting it, its flavor cannot be experienced.
He wastes this human life in exchange for a mere shell;
he does not understand his own self.
But, if he becomes Gurmukh, then he comes to know the One Lord,
and the disease of egotism does not afflict him.
I am a sacrifice to my Guru,
who has lovingly attached me to the True Lord.
Concentrating on the Word of the Shabad,
the soul is illumined and enlightened.
I remain absorbed in celestial ecstasy.

The Gurmukh sings the Praises of the Lord;
the Gurmukh understands.
The Gurmukh contemplates the Word of the Shabad.
Body and soul are totally rejuvenated through the Guru;
the Gurmukh’s affairs are resolved in his favor.

The blind self-willed manmukh acts blindly, and earns only poison in this world.
Enticed by Maya, he suffers in constant pain, without the most Beloved Guru.
He alone is a selfless servant, who serves the True Guru,
and walks in harmony with the True Guru’s Will.

The True Shabad, the Word of God, is the True Praise of God;
enshrine the True Lord within your mind.
The Gurmukh speaks the True Word of Gurbani,
and egotism departs from within.
He Himself is the Giver, and true are His Actions.
He proclaims the True Word of the Shabad.

The Gurmukh works, and the Gurmukh earns;
the Gurmukh inspires others to chant the Naam.
He is forever unattached, imbued with the Love of the True Lord,
intuitively in harmony with the Guru.

The self-willed manmukh always tells lies;
he plants the seeds of poison, and eats only poison.
He is bound and gagged by the Messenger of Death,
and burnt in the fire of desire;
who can save him, except the Guru?

All is Truth; Truth, and Truth alone, is pervading;
how rare is the Gurmukh who knows this….
He receives whatever rewards he desires.

O Nanak, one who eradicates self-conceit from within, has everything.”

---- The Guru Granth Sahib.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Private & Congregational Prayers Compared. {179.}

Private & Congregational Prayers Compared. {179.}

‘Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah’s Apostle said,
“The reward of the prayer offered by a person in congregation is twenty-five times greater than that of the prayer offered in one’s house or in the market {alone}.
And this is because if he performs ablution and does it perfectly and then proceeds to the mosque with the sole intention of praying, then for every step that he takes towards the mosque, he is upgraded one degree in reward and one sin of his is taken off {crossed out} from his accounts {of deeds}.
When he offers his prayer, the angels keep on asking Allah’s Blessings and Allah’s Forgiveness for him as long as he is {staying} at his Musalla.
They say, ‘O Allah! Bestow Your Blessings upon him, be Merciful and Kind to him.’ And one is regarded to be in prayer as long as one is waiting for the prayer.”’

---- The Hadith; Sahih Bukhari, Volume 1, Book: Call to Prayers {Adhaan}, Hadith 620.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Secret Prayers Get Glorious Rewards. {178.}

Secret Prayers Get Glorious Rewards. {178.}

“But you, when you pray, go into your room,
and when you have shut your door,
pray to your Father, who is in the secret place;
and your Father who sees in secret,
will reward you openly.”

---- The Bible; Matthew 6:6.

How Best to Tackle Tragedy. {177.}

How Best to Tackle Tragedy. {177.}

“There is a saying in Tibetan,
‘Tragedy should be utilized
as a source of strength.’
No matter what sort of difficulties,
how painful the experience is,
if we lose our hope,
that’s our real disaster.”

---- The 14th Dalai Lama.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

The Ego is a Cage. {176.}

The Ego is a Cage. {176.}

The human ego
acts as a virtual cage,
imprisoning the soul
within the narrow confines
of a limited believed ‘self’.

The soul remains one with the SuperSoul.
The self is connected with all the other selves.

The human ego sets up
false differences, barriers, hostility, clashes ...

Sure, individuality is a fact,
as one’s own primary responsibility,
but the essential unity
between God & all beings
ought to be well realized.

Note: This is drawn from & inspired by the scriptures, practices & teachings pertaining to the Radhasoami religion of Dayalbagh.

A Taste of Egoless Eternity. {175.}

A Taste of Egoless Eternity. {175.}

“I am part of the load
Not rightly balanced
I drop off in the grass,
like the old cave-sleepers,
to browse wherever I fall.

For hundreds of thousands of years,
I have been dust-grains
floating and flying in the will of the air,
often forgetting even being in that state,
but in sleep I migrate back.
I spring loose,
from the four-branched,
time-and-space cross,
this waiting room.

I walk into a huge pasture.
I nurse the milk of millennia.

Everyone does this in different ways.
knowing that conscious decisions
and personal memory
are much too small a place to live.
Every human being streams at night
into the loving nowhere,
or during the day,
in some absorbing work.”

---- Jalaluddin Rumi; Masnavi, VI 216-227.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Renunciation Spells Freedom & Peace. {174.}

Renunciation Spells Freedom & Peace. {174.}

“Better indeed is knowledge than mechanical practice.
Better than knowledge is meditation.
But better still is surrender of attachment to results,
because there follows immediate peace.”

---- The Bhagavad Gita.

Meditation Leads to Eternal Bliss. {173.}

Meditation Leads to Eternal Bliss. {173.}

“My tongue sings the Praises of the Lord of the world, the ocean of virtue.
Peace, tranquility, poise and delight well up in my mind, and all sorrows run away.
Whatever I ask for, I receive; I serve at the Lord’s feet, the source of nectar.
I am released from the bondage of birth and death,
and so I cross over the terrifying world-ocean.
Searching and seeking, I have come to understand the essence of reality;
the slave of the Lord of the Universe is dedicated to Him.
If you desire eternal bliss, O Nanak, ever remember the Lord in meditation.”

---- The Guru Granth Sahib.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

The Characteristics of Proper Prayer. {172.}

The Characteristics of Proper Prayer. {172.}

‘Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah’s Apostle entered the mosque and a person followed him. The man prayed and went to the Prophet and greeted him.
The Prophet returned the greeting and said to him, “Go back and pray, for you have not prayed.”
The man went back, prayed in the same way as before, returned and greeted the Prophet, who said, “Go back and pray, for you have not prayed.”
This happened thrice. The man said, “By Him Who sent you with the Truth, I cannot offer the prayer in a better way than this. Please, teach me how to pray.”
The Prophet said, “When you stand for Prayer say Takbir and then recite from the holy Qur’an {of what you know by heart} and then bow till you feel at ease. Then raise your head and stand up straight, then prostrate till you feel at ease during your prostration, then sit with calmness till you feel at ease {do not hurry} and do the same in all your prayers.”’

---- The Hadith; Sahih Bukhari, Volume 1, Book: Characteristics of Prayer, Hadith 724.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Pray for All Good People. {171.}

Pray for All Good People. {171.}

“Do all this in prayer, asking for God’s help.
Pray on every occasion, as the Spirit leads.
For this reason keep alert and never give up;
pray always for all God’s people.”

---- The Bible; Ephesians 6:18.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

The Path to True Conquest. {170.}

The Path to True Conquest. {170.}

“Conquer the angry man by love.
Conquer the ill-natured man by goodness.
Conquer the miser with generosity.
Conquer the liar with truth.

---- Gautama Buddha; Dhammapada.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Mere Existence & Presence Achieving. {169.}

Mere Existence & Presence Achieving. {169.}

The Nij Dhar or Incarnated Divine Current of Compassionate Radhasoami, the Supreme Godhead Residing in the loftiest paradise, Radhasoami Dham, has Been Functioning Its most glorious Mission of universal salvation ever since 12.30 am of August 24, 1818.

The mere Existence & Presence of the awesome & omnipotent Living Godly Force in our world-system is powerfully causing subtle & sweeping changes to occur throughout the world.

Despite the ongoing age of Kaliyuga, the whole world & creation is being charged spiritually.

People will prove this in their yearning for God, & in the proliferation of umpteen petty religious shops that seek to exploit their longings.

Gradually, all the good & deserving souls will be drawn towards the Redemptive Ferry of the living Radhasoami religion of Dayalbagh.

We are all blessed to be born in this fortunate period & capable of receiving His Grace & ensuring our ultimate spiritual welfare.

Let us all remain humbly grateful for the Supreme Godhead’s Current Being Present in this lowly world-system among us all.

Note: This is drawn from & inspired by the scriptures, practices & teachings pertaining to the Radhasoami religion of Dayalbagh.

Supremacy of Habits over Nature. {168.}

Supremacy of Habits over Nature. {168.}

“Men’s natures are alike, it is their habits that carry them far apart.”
---- Confucius.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Action is Vital for Life. {167.}

Action is Vital for Life. {167.}

“Action is greater than inaction.
Perform, therefore, thy task in life.
Even the life of the body
could not be maintained
if there were no action.”

---- The Bhagavad Gita.

Pure Devotion Leads to Fulfillment. {166.}

Pure Devotion Leads to Fulfillment. {166.}

“I meditated on my Guru.
I met with Him, and returned home in joy.
This is the glorious greatness of the Naam.
Its value cannot be estimated.
O Saints, worship and adore the Lord …
Worship the Lord in adoration,
and you shall obtain everything;
your affairs shall all be resolved.
He alone is attached in loving devotion to God,
who realizes his great destiny.
Servant Nanak meditates on the Naam,
the Name of the Lord.
He obtains the rewards of all joys and peace.”

---- The Guru Granth Sahib.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

The Key Characteristics of Hypocrisy. {165.}

The Key Characteristics of Hypocrisy. {165.}

“Narrated A’bdullah bin ’Amr: The Prophet said,
‘Whoever has the following four {characteristics} will be a pure hypocrite
and whoever has one of the following four characteristics
will have one characteristic of hypocrisy
unless and until he gives it up.
1. Whenever he is entrusted, he betrays.
2. Whenever he speaks, he tells a lie.
3. Whenever he makes a covenant, he proves treacherous.
4. Whenever he quarrels, he behaves
in a very imprudent, evil and insulting manner.’”

---- The Hadith; Sahih Bukhari, Volume 1, Book: Belief, Hadith 33.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

The Sheer Power of Faith. {164.}

The Sheer Power of Faith. {164.}

“Yet the Lord said,
‘If you have faith as a mustard kernel,
you would say to this black mulberry,
‘Be uprooted and be planted in the sea’,
and it would obey you.’”

---- The Bible; Luke 17:6.

Feel Goodwill towards All Life. {163.}

Feel Goodwill towards All Life. {163.}

“May I and all beings
be filled with loving kindness.
May I and all beings
be safe from inner and outer dangers.
May I and all beings
be well in body and mind.
May I and all beings
be happy and free.
May all beings find a path to peace.”

---- Gautama Buddha.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Daily Routine Ensures One’s Destiny. {162.}

Daily Routine Ensures One’s Destiny. {162.}

People are generally alike in their fundamental nature.

It is character & values & morality that set them apart from one another.

One’s habits are crucial in the formation of one’s character.

You cannot aspire to a certain destination without striving to make some progress towards it, during the course of the 24 hours that comprise a single human day & night.

Hence, it is important that one frames & follows a daily routine that is indicative of one’s quest & objects.

One’s daily routine determines, leads to & ensures one’s destiny.

If you don’t pray for your salvation to the Revered Leader of Dayalbagh today & right now, God cannot quite be expected to drop salvation into your lap from paradise.

Make your necessary efforts today, & beginning right now, if you care for your fate.

Note: This is drawn from & inspired by the scriptures, practices & teachings pertaining to the Radhasoami religion of Dayalbagh.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Attain Equanimity and Maturity Thus. {161.}

Attain Equanimity and Maturity Thus. {161.}

“Things that are done, it is needless to speak about ...
things that are past, it is needless to blame.”

---- Confucius; The Analects.

Practice Makes Perfect in Meditation. {160.}

Practice Makes Perfect in Meditation. {160.}

“The mind is restless and difficult to restrain,
but it is subdued by practice.”

---- The Bhagavad Gita.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Benefits of Meditating on God. {159.}

Benefits of Meditating on God. {159.}

“When the Lord God shows His Kindness, O Nanak,
one is no longer engrossed in Maya.
The burning fire has been put out;
God Himself has saved me.
Meditate on that God, O Nanak,
who created the universe.
When God becomes merciful,
Maya does not cling.
Millions of sins are eliminated,
by meditating on the Naam,
the Name of the One Lord.
The body is made immaculate and pure,
bathing in the dust of the feet of the Lord’s humble servants.
The mind and body become contented,
finding the Perfect Lord God.
One is saved, along with his family,
and all his ancestors.”

---- The Guru Granth Sahib.

God: The Savior from Dangers. {158.}

God: The Savior from Dangers. {158.}

“Who rescues you from the darkness
of the land and the sea {dangers like storms},
when you call upon Him
in humility and in secret {praying}:
If He {Allah} only saves us from this {danger},
we shall truly be grateful.”

---- The Quran; Surah Al-Anaam: Verse 63.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Solid Foundation for One’s Life. {157.}

Solid Foundation for One’s Life. {157.}

“Therefore, everyone who hears these words of mine
and puts them into practice
is like a wise man
who built his house on the rock.
The rains came down, the streams rose,
and the winds blew and beat against that house;
yet it did not fall,
because it had its foundation on the rock.
But everyone who hears these words of mine
and does not put them into practice
is like a foolish man
who built his house on sand.
The rains came down, the streams rose,
and the winds blew and beat against that house,
and it fell with a great crash.”

---- The Bible; Matthew 7:24-27.

Greatness in Various Contexts Defined. {156.}

Greatness in Various Contexts Defined. {156.}

“The greatest achievement is selflessness.
The greatest worth is self-mastery.
The greatest quality is seeking to serve others.
The greatest precept is continual awareness.
The greatest medicine is the emptiness of everything.
The greatest action is not conforming to the world’s ways.
The greatest magic is transmuting the passions.
The greatest generosity is non-attachment.
The greatest goodness is a peaceful mind.
The greatest patience is humility.
The greatest effort is not concerned with results.
The greatest meditation is a mind that lets go.
The greatest wisdom is seeing through appearances."

---- Gautama Buddha; The Dhammapada.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Where, Pray, After You Die? {155.}

Where, Pray, After You Die? {155.}

Every human or other living being represents the effect of all one’s past impulses & deeds in all one’s earlier lifetimes.
You may believe you suddenly do something, but actually you have been preparing yourself for several lifetimes for doing it.
Besides, we are all essentially ignorant, imperfect and limited beings leading lives in an evil world.
Hence, one’s present karmas are extremely important.
Your present thoughts, desires, words & actions are preparatory to your future state of life, & to your ultimate spiritual end.
It is everyone’s individual responsibility to value, choose, decide, care, & actually make the proper efforts in striving to ensure one’s state of life &, far more importantly, one’s desserts & status in the afterlife.

This is the key question that ought to determine your entire living.
It is surprising -- actually unbelievable -- that people care so tremendously for their worldly gains that can at the most last a few months, years or decades.
Human lifespan itself is so severely limited, in the cosmic timeframe.
However, spiritual benefits acquired by securing a berth in the redemptive Radhasoami Ferry & performing good deeds last one till eternity.
It behoves the sensible to care for their eventual spiritual welfare & destiny at least as much as they do for the next meal that they are to eat, or about the house that they so keenly wish to purchase.

Haven’t we had enough of collective & continuing ignorance, wrong valuing and myopia?
What do you care more about: that petty & stupid trinket, or actually persevering to deserve that your soul could rejoice in ineffable bliss in an eternal paradise?
It is only humans, among the living beings, who might ponder over such choices, because they are the only ones who actually face these options.
Please don’t waste your priceless human birth!
Please don’t ignore my words as not containing truth, or as irrelevant for you!
Please don’t forego this opportunity that you now have of seeking to really ensure your eventual redemption.
None of the others, & nothing of the usual sort, matters.
Life is a fleeting illusory play, but God’s Grace will really work, if you take care to deserve it.
Just how truly, honestly and intensely do you really care for what happens to your soul in the afterlife?
That’s more important than absolutely anything else!
Yes, seek the truth, while you can, & it will, indeed, enable your freedom, transcendence and salvation.

Note: This is drawn from & inspired by the scriptures, practices & teachings pertaining to the Radhasoami religion of Dayalbagh.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Intoxicating Ecstasy of God Realization. {154.}

Intoxicating Ecstasy of God Realization. {154.}

“Ride one! Ride on! Do not remain behind.
Know this! Know this! Your situation is most clear.
Gallop! Gallop! You are fast riders.
Be proud! Be proud! You are among the beauties in the world.
What do you have?
What do you have that the beloved does not have?
Bring that! Bring that! Whisper it in my ears.
The night before last, the night before last, what was the tavern like?
Tell me that! Tell me that, if you are drunken wanderers of the night.
God has a wine; God has a wine hidden from all;
You and the world were created from a sip of that wine.

---- Jalaluddin Rumi; Divan 637:1-5.

Become Fearless by Comprehending Reality. {153.}

Become Fearless by Comprehending Reality. {153.}

“Fear Not.
What is not real, never was and never will be.
What is real, always was and cannot be destroyed.”

---- The Bhagavad Gita.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Cut the Noose of Death. {152.}

Cut the Noose of Death. {152.}

“The noose of Death is cut, and one’s wanderings cease;
victory is obtained, when one conquers his own mind.
O Nanak, eternal stability is obtained from the Guru,
and one’s day-to-day wanderings cease.
After wandering and wandering for so long, you have come;
in this Dark Age of Kali Yuga,
you have obtained this human body,
so very difficult to obtain.
This opportunity shall not come into your hands again.
So chant the Naam, the Name of the Lord,
and the noose of Death shall be cut away.
You shall not have to come and go
in reincarnation over and over again,
if you chant and meditate on the One and Only Lord.
Shower Your Mercy, O God, Creator Lord,
and unite poor Nanak with Yourself.”

---- The Guru Granth Sahib; Raag Gauree, 108:38.

The Prophet Mohammed’s Humble Personality. {151.}

The Prophet Mohammed’s Humble Personality. {151.}

“The good sense of Mohammed despised the pomp of royalty. The Apostle of God submitted to the menial offices of the family; he kindled the fire; swept the floor; milked the ewes; and mended with his own hands his shoes and garments. Disdaining the penance and merit of a hermit, he observed without effort of vanity the abstemious diet of an Arab.”

---- Edward Gibbon; The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire {1823}.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

I am Dependent on God. {150.}

I am Dependent on God. {150.}

“My salvation and my honor depend on God;
He is my mighty rock, my refuge.”

---- The Bible; Psalm 62:7.

Life’s Too Short for Quarreling. {149.}

Life’s Too Short for Quarreling. {149.}

“Knowing life is short,
how can we quarrel?”

---- Gautama Buddha.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Deplorable Effects of Religious Divisions. {148.}

Deplorable Effects of Religious Divisions. {148.}

To begin with a banal observation, there are several major religions in the world.

In addition, there are thousands of minor religions as well as millions of sects & branches of the existing religions.

Everyone remains free to believe in the god of her or his choice.

So far, so good.

However, I fail to fathom how religious diversity gradually gets converted into hatred among the followers of diverse religions.

I can never understand how apparent devotion to one’s religion can possibly take the form of violence against the believers of other religions.

Religious plurality is a fact of life, but it need not lead to dividing humanity against itself & in such deplorable manifestations & consequences as terrorism & wars.

You would agree with the essence -- if not all -- of this, wouldn’t you?

What might emerge as the only possible solution to this virtual collective failure of all the world’s existing religions?

The true goal of education and civilization ought to be a spiritually evolved human individual, with an enhanced consciousness, a nobler perspective, and a greater ability to love.

Can this reformed and ideal human be brought about by the present setup?

Not really, since the inadequacies of the status quo cannot be wished away, & they can only perpetuate & compound themselves ad nauseum.

So, only an entirely new religion altogether can inspire a better – more spiritually evolved -- human, and do it meaningfully, effectively, & on a global scale.

Note: This is drawn from & inspired by the scriptures, practices & teachings pertaining to the Radhasoami religion of Dayalbagh.

“I’m Wind, You Are Fire.” {147.}

“I’m Wind, You Are Fire.” {147.}

“O you who’ve gone on pilgrimage --
where are you, where, oh where?
Here, here is the Beloved!
Oh come now, come, oh come!
Your friend, he is your neighbor,
he is next to your wall --
You, erring in the desert --
what air of love is this?
If you’d see the Beloved’s
form without any form --
You are the house, the master,
You are the Kaaba, you! . . .
Where is a bunch of roses,
if you would be this garden?
Where, one soul’s pearly essence
when you’re the Sea of God?
That’s true -- and yet your troubles
may turn to treasures rich --
How sad that you yourself veil
the treasure that is yours!”

---- Jalaluddin Rumi.

What Constitutes a Pure Gift? {146.}

What Constitutes a Pure Gift? {146.}

“A gift is pure
when it is given from the heart
to the right person
at the right time
and at the right place,
and when we expect nothing in return.”
---- The Bhagavad Gita.

The Sheer Joys of Gurubhakti. {145.}

The Sheer Joys of Gurubhakti. {145.}

“I sacrifice everything for Him.
Twenty-four hours a day,
sing the Glorious Praises
of the Lord of the Universe.
Do not forget Him,
for even one breath.
He is a companion, a friend,
and a beloved of mine,
who reflects upon the Lord’s Name,
in the Company of the Holy.
In the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy,
cross over the world-ocean,
and the noose of death shall be cut away.
The four cardinal blessings are obtained
by serving the Lord.
The Elysian Tree, the source of all blessings,
is meditation on the Unseen and Unknowable Lord.
The Guru has cut out the sinful mistakes
of sexual desire and anger,
and my hopes have been fulfilled.
That mortal who is blessed by perfect destiny meets the Lord,
the Sustainer of the Universe, in the Company of the Holy.
O Nanak, if the Naam, the Name of the Lord,
dwells within the mind,
one is approved and accepted,
whether he is a householder or a renunciate.”

---- The Guru Granth Sahib.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

God Wants His Exclusive Worship. {144.}

God Wants His Exclusive Worship. {144.}

“God forgiveth not {the sin of}
joining other gods with Him; ...
one who joins other gods with God,
hath strayed far, far away
{from the Right Path}.”

---- The Quran; 4:116.

God Can Even Transfer Diseases. {143.}

God Can Even Transfer Diseases. {143.}

“And the Lord will take away from you all sickness,
and will afflict you with none of the terrible diseases of Egypt,
which you have known,
but will lay them on all those who hate you.”

---- The Bible; Deuteronomy, 7:15.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Flow and Overflow with Love. {142.}

Flow and Overflow with Love. {142.}

“Let your love flow outward through the universe,
To its height, its depth, its broad extent,
A limitless love, without hatred or enmity.
Then as you stand or walk,
Sit or lie down,
As long as you are awake,
Strive for this with a one-pointed mind;
Your life will bring heaven to earth.”

---- Gautama Buddha; The Sutta Nipata.

Materialism: Its Purposes and Uses. {141.}

Materialism: Its Purposes and Uses. {141.}

Satsangis have been enjoined to aim for and remain satisfied with merely a moderate degree of worldly success. Why is this so? What does the above injunction really mean, in practical terms?

There is, of course, no end to human desires. As the Buddha had very rightly described as his first Great Truth, desires are at the root of all human suffering. Hence, being extremely selective in one’s desires makes eminent sense, both practical and spiritual.

Moreover, globalization and consumerism subject the lay person to a virtual barrage of material products that are desirable and apparently necessary for one’s living. Under such circumstances, it is rather tempting for one to succumb to the craze for more & more material possessions.

This would naturally entail a greater focus on & efforts expended in amassing wealth. Not for nothing had the holy Bible also asserted that “The love of money is the root of all evil.”

So, if Satsangis were to recklessly seek money by hook or by crook, & determinedly rival others in the possession of worldly success & material possessions, then they would forget their real goal in life: that of ensuring their salvation.

Life in human form is precious, not because of the consumerist goods that we can buy while alive, but because it offers one the chance to mystically secure one's eternal seat in the loftiest paradise of Radhasoami Dham.

However, Satsangis are also mandated to live by one’s honest efforts, and not to have any loans pending against others. Thus, financial independence & integrity are central to the Satsangi lifestyle.

Further, various studies conducted around the world suggest that if a person’s material needs have been well taken care of, the person becomes naturally drawn towards religion & spirituality.

It is also an obvious truism that even the performance of one’s devotions and services by an individual requires money.

Besides, the spread and establishment of a new religion in the whole world will naturally entail finances of a mind-boggling order.

Hence, Satsangis should responsibly draw the line rightly on how to earn enough money for a comfortable & dignified living that enables one an adequate performance of their religious duties & aspirations, while taking care not to get caught up in the senseless vortex of naked pursuit of wealth or the acquisition of material possessions.

Note: This is drawn from & inspired by the scriptures, practices & teachings pertaining to the Radhasoami religion of Dayalbagh.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Meditation: Words Cease, Allowing Vision. {140.}

Meditation: Words Cease, Allowing Vision. {140.}

“Silently and serenely one forgets all words;
clearly and vividly That appears before you.
When one realizes It,
It is vast and without edges in Essence;
one is clearly aware.
Singularly reflecting is this bright awareness;
full of wonder is this pure reflection.”

---- Hung Chih {Zen philosopher; 1091-1157}.

Special Favorites among Equal Devotees. {139.}

Special Favorites among Equal Devotees. {139.}

“I look upon all creatures equally;
none are less dear to me and none more dear.
But those who worship me with love live in me,
and I come to life in them.”

---- The Bhagavad Gita.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Grace Works Umpteen Wonders Spontaneously. {138.}

Grace Works Umpteen Wonders Spontaneously. {138.}

“Millions of silent sages dwell in silence.
Our Eternal, Imperishable, Incomprehensible Lord and Master,
the Inner-knower, the Searcher of hearts, is permeating all hearts.
Wherever I look, I see Your Dwelling, O Lord.
The Guru has blessed Nanak with enlightenment.
The True Guru has blessed me with this gift.
He has given me the Priceless Jewel of the Lord’s Name.
Now, I intuitively enjoy endless pleasures and wondrous play.
God has spontaneously met with Nanak.
Says Nanak, True is the Kirtan of the Lord’s Praise.
Again and again, my mind remains immersed in it.
Spontaneously, I feed on the Love of God.
Spontaneously, I take God’s Name.
Spontaneously, I am saved by the Word of the Shabad.
Spontaneously, my treasures are filled to overflowing.
Spontaneously, my works are perfectly accomplished.
Spontaneously, I am rid of sorrow.
Spontaneously, my enemies have become friends.
Spontaneously, I have brought my mind under control.
Spontaneously, God has comforted me.
Spontaneously, my hopes have been fulfilled.
Spontaneously, I have totally realized the essence of reality.
Spontaneously, I have been blessed with the Guru’s Mantra.
Spontaneously, I am rid of hatred.
Spontaneously, my darkness has been dispelled.
Spontaneously, the Kirtan of the Lord’s Praise
seems so sweet to my mind.
Spontaneously, I behold God in each and every heart.”

---- The Guru Granth Sahib; Raag Bhairao, Part 033, 1538-1563.

Feed Poor for God’s Sake. {137.}

Feed Poor for God’s Sake. {137.}

“And they feed, for the love of Allah,
the needy, the orphan, and the captive, saying:
‘We feed you for the sake of Allah alone.
No reward do we desire from you, not any thanks.’”

---- The Hadith; Al-Insan, 76:8-9.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

The Rich Ought to Care. {136.}

The Rich Ought to Care. {136.}

“Command those who in the present world are rich,
not to be arrogant, or to place hope
in anything so uncertain as wealth,
but to repose confidence in God,
who lavishly provides us
with all things for our enjoyment.
Command them to do good,
to be rich in good deeds,
and to be generous and willing to share.
In this way, they will lay up treasure for themselves
as a firm foundation for the coming age,
so that they may take hold
of the life that is truly life.”
---- The Bible; Timothy I, 6:17-19.

The Buddha's Very Last Words. {135.}

The Buddha's Very Last Words. {135.}

“Work out your own salvation with diligence.”

---- Gautama Buddha’s very last words,
contained in the Mahaparinibbana Sutta.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Terrorism: Grave Threat to Humanism. {134.}

Terrorism: Grave Threat to Humanism. {134.}

So, while we have here been sending & reading daily quotes from all of humanity’s scriptures, there the terrorists continue with their brazen activities of senselessly holding hostage & brutally massacring innocents!

Right-thinking people all across the world must, irrespective of national or religious distinctions, unitedly condemn terrorism as a grave threat not just to human safety but to the very existence of human civilization.

The law of the jungle unfortunately appears to be coming to the fore in the world.
Perhaps this is among the umpteen banes that are to mark the present & ongoing depraved age of Kaliyuga.

However, the devout must stick to their Dharma & right values & make concerted efforts against all such divisive & disruptive forces of hatred, violence & destruction in any corner of the world.

Note: This is drawn from & inspired by the scriptures, practices & teachings pertaining to the Radhasoami religion of Dayalbagh.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Wishing Well to All Others. {133.}

Wishing Well to All Others. {133.}

Kabira Khada bazaar mein maange sub ki khair
Na kahu say dosti na kahu say bair

---- Param Sant Kabir.

Note: That is,
“Kabir stands in the central marketplace,
Praying for the welfare of all,
He has none for a friend
Nor is he foe to any.”

Kill Doubt; Act with Discipline. {132.}

Kill Doubt; Act with Discipline. {132.}

“Sever the ignorant doubt in your heart
with the sword of self-knowledge.
Observe your discipline. Arise.”

---- The Bhagavad Gita.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Service of Guru is All. {131.}

Service of Guru is All. {131.}

“Serve your True Lord and Master,
and you shall be blessed with true greatness.
By Guru’s Grace, He abides in the mind,
and egotism is driven out.
This wandering mind comes to rest,
when the Lord casts His Glance of Grace.”

---- The Guru Granth Sahib.

Worship Only One God Totally. {130.}

Worship Only One God Totally. {130.}

“And of humankind are some
who take {for worship} others
besides Allah as rivals {to Allah}.
They love them as they love Allah.
But those who believe,
love Allah more {than anything else}.
If only, those who do wrong could see,
then they will see the torment,
that all power belongs to Allah
and that Allah is Severe in punishment.

---- The Quran; Surah Al-Baqara; Verse 165.

Remain Courageous and Become Strong. {129.}

Remain Courageous and Become Strong. {129.}

“Be of good courage,
And He shall strengthen your heart,
All ye that hope in the Lord.”

---- The Bible; Psalm: 31:24.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

No Such Thing as “Try”. {128.}

No Such Thing as “Try”. {128.}

“Do, or do not. There is no ‘try’.”

---- Gautama Buddha.

Radhasoami: The Universal Salvation Religion. {127.}

Radhasoami: The Universal Salvation Religion. {127.}

Religions have traditionally been identified with truths & worldviews that exclude certain sections of humanity out from the possibility of Grace. To a great extent, this is logical & inevitable. For instance, how can Nirvana possibly be gifted by the Buddha to a person who has not practiced Buddhist meditation at all?

However, the end result of such partial groupings has been the segregation of humanity into several blocks, the one rather – or, intensely -- suspicious of & hostile to the others. At the end of the day, this leads to violence, terrorism & wars.

The Radhasoami religion’s unique glory lies in the fact that its declared purpose is the salvation of not just all humans but even all living beings {including animals} in this world-system.

Eventually, the Radhasoami religion of Dayalbagh will unite humanity with love & Grace, & usher in lasting peace here. The ideal of humanity living peacefully as a single huge family under the Reign of the Supreme Godhead will finally be realized.

Note: This is drawn from & inspired by the scriptures, practices & teachings pertaining to the Radhasoami religion of Dayalbagh.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Self-respect Evokes Respect from Others. {126.}

Self-respect Evokes Respect from Others. {126.}

“Respect yourself and others will respect you.”

---- Confucius {551 BC - 479 BC},
Chinese philosopher & reformer.

Realized Soul: Wholity, Independence, Satisfaction. {125.}

Realized Soul: Wholity, Independence, Satisfaction. {125.}

“The soul who meditates on the Self
is content to serve the Self
and rests satisfied within the Self;
there remains nothing more
for such a one to accomplish.”

---- The Bhagavad Gita.

Evil is a Weighty Karma. {124.}

Evil is a Weighty Karma. {124.}

“Sin is a stone that doesn’t float on water.”

---- The Guru Granth Sahib.

The Creator and His Creation. {123.}

The Creator and His Creation. {123.}

“He it is Who created for you all that is on earth.
Then He Istawa {rose over} towards the heaven
and made them seven heavens
and He is the All-Knower of everything.”

---- The Quran; Surah Al-Baqara, Verse 29.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Following God and His Words. {122.}

Following God and His Words. {122.}

“If you remain in Me, and My words remain in you,
You can ask what you desire, and it shall be given to you.”

---- The Bible; John 15: 7.

Happiness Increases by Sharing It. {121.}

Happiness Increases by Sharing It. {121.}

“Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle,
and the life of the candle will not be shortened.
Happiness never decreases by being shared.”

---- Gautama Buddha.

Monday, June 21, 2010

The Unique Importance of Dayalbagh. {120.}


When God Compassionately Incarnates on earth, obviously He shall have only one sacred human Form.

When God decides that, for the sake of the uninterrupted & speedy progress of His most glorious Mission of universal salvation, He would Continue His Role through an intergenerational lineage of Param Gurus, even under such circumstances, obviously the Incarnated Divine Current can exist only in one blessed Form at the same time.

It has been the bane of almost every major religion down the ages to have been divided into sects; Hinayana & Mahayana Buddhism, Catholicism & Protestantism, Sunni & Shia Muslims, & others. The son of Guru Nanak Dev had set himself up as the next Guru after the quitting of mortal frame by his exalted father. Indeed, there are reported to be not merely a few, or even hundreds, but thousands and millions of splinter groups of several major religions. In such a bewildering scenario, a genuine seeker of God can well be expected to get thoroughly confused, and all but throw up her hands in perplexity, and in despair, give up seeking God altogether!

Unfortunately, the Radhasoami religion of Dayalbagh has also seen a few misguided, damned, sinful & punishable rival offshoots sprouting up. A few of these have already withered up & the others are headed that way.

Dayalbagh is the reservoir of love and Grace for all humanity. It is a pity that matters take courses that could neither have been ordained by the Supreme Lord, nor can possibly lead to people’s welfare. Dayalbagh has little need to rival any offshoot in attracting souls for salvation, and none at all to battle any part of God’s creation. Dayalbagh is in a class of its own and way beyond the petty and dirty shenanigans that any other religion or offshoot might need to resort to.

Indeed, let a thousand flowers {and cacti and weeds} bloom at the same time. Let those who choose to be misguided, follow the paths to their own virtual doom. And let the divine fragrance of the sacred Tree beckon all deserving souls into its redemptive shade!

Is it not obvious that a divine Incarnation can have only one human Form at any particular time? The one Param Guru of Dayalbagh is the true Grand Master of Radhasoami religion. It is Radhasoami Dayal’s incontrovertible Decree that only those devotees who seek Him through His Chosen Agency of the Param Guru of Dayalbagh can be permitted access to Him, & subsequently redemption.

All the other offshoots & their followers have made a grievous & suicidal error, committed the grave sin of rejecting Radhasoami Dayal’s Sent Avatar Swaroop or Incarnated Form, permanently injured their own chances & hopes of salvation, & earned punishment as their desserts.

Dayalbagh is today the exclusive repository of the most glorious Nij Dhar or the Incarnated Divine Current. No other religion or fake offshoot of even the Radhasoami religion can deliver. The Radhasoami religion of Dayalbagh does not require others’ belief per se, because it has Truth & Grace & Law & destiny on its side. However, any human soul really wishing her or his welfare & salvation will have to choose rightly.

No miracle will normally be performed as proof of the exclusive Divinity Functioning in Dayalbagh. You are to believe in the Param Guru of Dayalbagh. You are to want & need to believe in the Param Guru of Dayalbagh. This is the first crucial test that everyone has to pass.

That said, what might constitute a ‘miracle’ for a human, with her limited sense organs of perception, and restricted powers of comprehension, may be perfectly natural in the cosmic play of life. Miracles may perhaps be toffee to God!

Every divine Incarnation and Prophet has invariably been associated with miracles. I am not asserting that all such miracles were real, nor am I refuting the possibility of the occurrence of miracles altogether. My simple contention is that the divine is itself miraculous. It’s no big deal – to put it colloquially -- if miracles attend messiahs; indeed, it would be surprising if they did not. Hence, if sincere devotees expect miracles in their right faith, Grace can certainly cause miracles to occur!

It would perhaps be wonderful if God appeared on earth, claiming to be God, and humanity could say, “Prove yourself, Messiah!” If God were to wave a finger up at the sun and whisper, “Fade away, sun!”, causing instant solar eclipse, almost overnight humanity might be enabled belief, desire for redemption, and following of the new religion. However, that is not how things work out.

Yet, a cursory reflection on history ought to convince any objective person about the reality of the divine dimension to existence, the recurring descents from the heavens for humanity’s welfare, and the beneficial impact of such forces in the world. It is humbling to realize that we are today in the midst of just such an awesome and historical process, with the potential of incalculable welfare for all believing humans on earth.

So, it is vital that one conducts oneself with grave responsibility & caution, & choose rightly in one’s own self-interest, & for the sake of one’s own redemption. The point is not a juvenile quarrelling among one another over whose god is greater, or whose beliefs are right, but of earnestly seeking the truth, receiving it, and acting upon it rightly. Hasn’t humanity had enough of hatred and terrorism over religious matters by now? Let’s remember that the fundamental values involved are God, love, Grace, peace and redemption. Life doesn’t offer a “retake”! Remember that the Supreme Godhead Radhasoami Dayal Is every moment Aware of every living being’s every thought & deed, & it shall all finally count in how your destiny unfolds.

I may conclude this with Goethe’s following lines from Faust:

“For he who is unceasing in his striving
Is ours for his redeeming.”

Note: This is drawn from and inspired by the scriptures, practices & teachings of the Radhasoami religion of Dayalbagh.

Traits of the True Sufi. {119.}

Traits of the True Sufi. {119.}

“What makes the Sufi? Purity of heart;
Not the patched mantle and the lust perverse
Of those vile earth-bound men who steal his name.
He in all dregs discerns the essence pure:
In hardship ease, in tribulation joy.
The phantom sentries, who with batons drawn
Guard Beauty’s place-gate and curtained bower,
Give way before him, unafraid he passes,
And showing the King’s arrow, enters in.”

---- Jalaluddin Rumi.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Death: Like Changing One’s Clothes. {118.}

Death: Like Changing One’s Clothes. {118.}

“There has never been a time
when you and I have not existed,
nor will there be a time
when we will cease to exist.
As the same person inhabits the body
through childhood, youth, and old age,
so too at the time of death
one attains another body.
The wise are not deluded
by these changes.”

---- The Bhagavad Gita.

Perform Pilgrimage to Soul Within. {117.}

Perform Pilgrimage to Soul Within. {117.}

“For the sake of it, you journey
to sacred shrines and holy rivers;
but this priceless jewel
is within your own heart.”

---- The Guru Granth Sahib.

The Righteous Shall Not Grieve. {116.}

The Righteous Shall Not Grieve. {116.}

“Verily! Those who believe ...
in Allah and the Last Day
and do righteous good deeds
shall have their reward with their Lord;
on them shall be no fear,
nor shall they grieve.”

---- The Quran; Surah: Al-Baqara, Verse 62.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Key to Success and Glory. {115.}

Key to Success and Glory. {115.}

“Humility and the fear of the Lord
bring wealth and honor and life.”

---- The Bible; Proverbs 22:4.

Knowledge Results from Ceaseless Zeal. {114.}

Knowledge Results from Ceaseless Zeal. {114.}

“Through zeal, knowledge is gotten,
through lack of zeal, knowledge is lost;
let a man who knows the double path of gain and loss
thus place himself that knowledge may grow.”

---- Gautama Buddha.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Soul’s Transmigration; 84 Lakh Life-forms. {113.}

Soul’s Transmigration; 84 Lakh Life-forms. {113.}

The Radhasoami religion of Dayalbagh shares the traditional Hindu belief in the transmigration of the soul, & in the 84 lakh different life forms. {What is a lakh? It is 1, followed by 5 zeros, or 100,000. That’s one-tenth of a million.}

To elaborate, it is believed that an individual soul lives on, despite death in any one of its forms. The same soul gets reborn as some other animal or human. One’s good & bad deeds, as well as the strongest desires & impulses that one has, lead one to the next life form. In this way, destiny is determined by both one’s past & present deeds & influences.

The soul becomes fit for salvation when the effects of one’s karmas have run their course, & there is ardent longing only for God & paradise.

There are believed to be 84 lakh different species or life forms that a soul has to acquire rebirths in. This is the cycle that represents the living creature’s bondage & punishment upon earth. The cow is regarded to be the form that a soul adopts prior to taking birth as a human.

The human form & life are, therefore, lucky as they can allow one the opportunity of seeking freedom from the cycle of Chaurasi or 84 lakh life forms, & of striving to ensure one’s salvation.

Only the Param Guru can grant release to the soul by gifting her or him initiation into the Radhasoami religion. The moment that initiation is granted, the individual’s soul formally gets linked to the highest paradise in existence. Such a Satsangi is blessed & stands already released from the onerous necessity of taking 84 lakh rebirths upon 84 lakh rebirths ad infinitum & hopelessly.

Indeed, the living Radhasoami religion of Dayalbagh has promised its devotees that once they become Satsangis, their souls shall be granted eternal access to Radhasoami Dham within a maximum of four janams or lifetimes, since their having first got initiation.

Glory be to such nonpareil & boundless Grace of Radhasoami Dayal!

Note: This is drawn from & inspired by the scriptures, practices & teachings pertaining to the Radhasoami religion of Dayalbagh.

Accepting One's Mistakes is Beneficial. {112.}

Accepting One's Mistakes is Beneficial. {112.}

“Be not ashamed of mistakes and thus make them crimes.”

---- Confucius.

Cowardice & Escapism Aren't Perfection. {111.}

Cowardice & Escapism Aren't Perfection. {111.}

“Not by refraining from action does man attain freedom from action.
Not by mere renunciation does he attain supreme perfection.”
---- The Bhagavad Gita.

Stop Squandering Soul for Rubbish. {110.}

Stop Squandering Soul for Rubbish. {110.}

“The jewel of the soul is priceless,
and yet it is being squandered like this,
in exchange for a mere shell.”

---- The Guru Granth Sahib.

Pray with Patience and Trust. {109.}

Pray with Patience and Trust. {109.}

“And seek help in patience and As-Salat {the prayer}
and truly it is extremely heavy and hard
except for Al-Khashioon
{i.e. the true believers in Allah;
those who obey Allah with full submission,
fear much from His Punishment,
and believe in His Promise (Paradise, etc.)
and in His Warnings (Hell, etc.)}.”

---- The Quran; Surah: Al-Baqara, Verse 45.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

God Caused Creation through Word. {108.}

God Caused Creation through Word. {108.}

“In the beginning was the Word,
and the Word was with God,
and the Word was God.
The same was in the beginning with God.
All things were made by him;
and without him was not any thing made that was made.
In him was life; and the life was the light of men.
And the light shineth in darkness;
and the darkness comprehended it not.”

---- The Bible; John: 1: 1-5.

Beware of These Base Impulses. {107.}

Beware of These Base Impulses. {107.}

“There is no fire like passion,
there is no shark like hatred,
there is no snare like folly,
there is no torrent like greed.”

---- Gautama Buddha.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

God is Infinite Love Personified. {106.}

God is Infinite Love Personified. {106.}

The essence of God is love. The sole cause for Incarnations to descend upon earth is love.

The single inspiration for Grace is love.

The root motivation for the urges to devotion, service & quest for salvation is love.

The prime impulse for harmony, peace, help, goodness, compassion, philanthropy and charity is love.

To love is to be good.

To love is to worship & serve God.

To love is to inch forward along the path to one’s redemption.

The Omnipresent Radhasoami Dayal Is always Keeping a minute record of all the karmas or deeds of every being.

HE Will finally Reward or Punish Justly.

Let us never doubt this.

Let’s keep the Faith, under all circumstances.

Let’s love & do good, to the infinite glory of Radhasoami Dayal’s Avatar Swaroop or Incarnated Form as the Param Guru of Dayalbagh Actively Functioning & Showering His Grace for the real spiritual welfare of all living beings & the entire creation.

Note: This is drawn from & inspired by the scriptures, practices & teachings pertaining to the Radhasoami religion of Dayalbagh.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Key to Morality and Character. {105.}

Key to Morality and Character. {105.}

“To see what is right, and not to do it,
is want of courage or of principle.”
---- Confucius.

Yoga as Work and Peace. {104.}

Yoga as Work and Peace. {104.}

“When the sage climbs the heights of Yoga,
he follows the path of work;
but when he reaches the heights of Yoga,
he is in the land of peace.”
---- The Bhagavad Gita.

Service of Guru is Greatness. {103.}

Service of Guru is Greatness. {103.}

“Serve your True Lord and Master,
and you shall be blessed with true greatness.
By Guru’s Grace, He abides in the mind,
and egotism is driven out.
This wandering mind comes to rest,
when the Lord casts His Glance of Grace.”
---- The Guru Granth Sahib.

Nobly Wage Battle for God. {102.}

Nobly Wage Battle for God. {102.}

“Fight in the cause of God
those who fight you,
but do not transgress limits;
for God loveth not transgressors."

---- The Quran; Sura 2:190.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Move from Darkness to Light. {101.}

Move from Darkness to Light. {101.}

“Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness,
but rather expose them.
For it is shameful even to mention
what the disobedient do in secret.
But everything exposed by the light becomes visible,
for it is light that makes everything visible.
This is why it is said:
‘Wake up, O sleeper, rise from the dead,
and Christ will shine on you.’”

---- The Bible; Ephesians 5:11-14.

Be Open, Expansive and Inclusive. {100.}

Be Open, Expansive and Inclusive. {100.}

“Let yourself be open and life will be easier.
A spoon of salt in a glass of water
makes the water undrinkable.
A spoon of salt in a lake is almost unnoticed.”

---- Gautama Buddha.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Sachhe Baadshah Ke Raaj Mein. {99.}

Sachhe Baadshah Ke Raaj Mein. {99.}

True power lies in none of the following: physical, intellectual, emotional, romantic, financial, sexual, societal, worldly, political, military, philanthropic, & the like. Though among the preceding types, several have their positive aspects, particularly philanthropy, but it is only the “emotional” that can approximate the ideal.

After all, God is love, the Sant Math is the religion of Ishq-e-haqueeki or love for reality, & the Peer-Murid mystical bond is one of pure & eternal love. The best worship & service of the Guru is constituted by loving Him. Even the Bhagavad Gita asserts that the Lord loves His loving devotees the most of all.

Power does not flow from the barrel of a gun. Power does not depend on how deep one’s pockets are. The heart that can love, & that does really love, attains access to the Guru; the Guru is God Incarnate, & this constitutes living redemption.

In Kaliyuga, true power is vested only in the Sant Satguru. Sachhe Baadshah ki huqumath har jagah hai. Har insaan ki athma par hai, har praani ke karmon par hai, rachna ke har zarre mein hai, wa jannath ki har oonchayi mein hai. Sachhe Baadshah ki Taaqathon ka kisi ke liye andaza lagana thak asambhav hai. That is, the Supreme Master’s suzerainty extends over the whole of creation, and in every shred of existence. The Param Guru’s writ runs in every heart, on the deeds of every creature, as well as in the sublime heights of the heavens. It is impossible for anyone to fathom the extent of the Grand Master’s omnipotence.

Blessed are the Satsangis of Dayalbagh, who have a Living & Loving Guru to Guide them through this world’s trials & life’s plays of Maya to strive & progress to return to one’s true Abode!

Note: This is drawn from & inspired by the scriptures, practices & teachings pertaining to the Radhasoami religion of Dayalbagh.

Responsible Awareness, Caution, & Security. {98.}

Responsible Awareness, Caution, & Security. {98.}

“The superior person, when resting in safety,
does not forget that danger may come.
When in a state of security,
she does not forget the possibility of ruin.
When all is orderly,
she does not forget that disorder may come.
Thus, her person is not endangered,
and her states and all their clans preserved.”
---- Confucius, Chinese philosopher, 551 B.C. to 479 B.C.

Being and Beliefs: Causally Related. {97.}

Being and Beliefs: Causally Related. {97.}

“The human is made by her or his belief.
As one believes, so one becomes.”

---- The Bhagavad Gita.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Shun Selfishness to Attain God. {96.}

Shun Selfishness to Attain God. {96.}

“Give up your selfishness,
and you shall find peace;
like water mingling with water,
you shall merge in absorption.”

---- The Guru Granth Sahib.

Keep Praying Always; It Counts. {95.}

Keep Praying Always; It Counts. {95.}

“Narrated Abdul Rahman: Abu Sa’id Al-Khudri told my father,
‘I see you liking sheep and the wilderness.
So whenever you are with your sheep or in the wilderness
and you want to pronounce Adhan for the prayer,
raise your voice in doing so, for whoever hears the Adhan,
whether a human being, a jinn or any other creature,
will be a witness for you on the Day of Resurrection.’
Abu Sa'id added, ‘I heard it {this narration} from Allah's Apostle.’”

---- The Hadith; Sahih Bukhari, Volume 1, Book: Call to Prayers {Adhaan}, Hadith 583.

God: the Creator & Sustainer. {94.}

God: the Creator & Sustainer. {94.}

“For by Him all things were created,
both in the heavens and on earth,
visible and invisible,
whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities –
all things have been created by Him and for Him.
And He is before all things,
and in Him all things hold together.”

---- The Bible; Colossians 1:16-17.

Love Always Prevails over Hatred. {93.}

Love Always Prevails over Hatred. {93.}

“Hatred does not cease by hatred,
but only by love;
this is the eternal rule.”

---- Gautama Buddha.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Satsang Ideal: Mystical yet Better-worldly. {92.}

Satsang Ideal: Mystical yet Better-worldly. {92.}

Religions, cults, sects & denominations are normally categorized as:
** Mystical or ritualistic; &
** Unworldly or worldly.

Buddhism may be regarded as having been initially at least essentially mystical, focusing on the practice of meditation. Rituals mark most major religions.
There may have been unworldly elements in certain major religions, but since no religion or its followers could have survived & spread on such a basis for long, most chose to adopt the worldly route.
Only minor sects can afford to be unabashedly unworldly, & even exhort their followers to commit suicide as a way of exiting from the earth & gaining heaven, as one in Japan does.
The quest for paradise came to be regarded as not being in conflict with one’s acquisition of material possessions; indeed, worldly prosperity came to be viewed as an indication of one’s likely gains in the beyond as well.
Hence, there has been a growth of capitalism worldwide, with the active involvement of Christians {particularly Protestants, as studied extensively by Max Weber}, Jews, Jains, Sikhs, Hindus & others.

So, how may the Radhasoami religion of Dayalbagh be described?
** Is it mystical or ritualistic?
** Is it unworldly, worldly or “better-worldly”?

Does being a Satsangi mean that one:
** Pray to the exclusion of all life, or merely superficially perform certain rituals timely?
** Scorn & shun the use of material trinkets, or actively rival with the Joneses in the modern consumerist culture?
Or, is there a middle & optimal route instead that Satsangis are enjoined to practice?

The actual Satsang worldview regards the world as real, but perishable, & as headed for destruction at the end of Kaliyuga in the form of a MahaPralay.
Life is an opportunity to progress spiritually, so that the soul attains access to higher divine realms, & ultimately achieves salvation by reaching Radhasoami Dham.
Hence, Satsangis are NOT to confuse their essential worth or Grace merely with their stock of material possessions.
Satsangis are NOT to rival others over such trinkets.
Satsangis are NOT to lose their lives or lose sight of their true goal in life by a blind, mad & never-ending chase of the numerous attractive products being thrown up by the present consumerist culture worldwide.

However, a dignified life requires a certain degree of material success. Certain “scientific research” {I really do not know what such words are exactly supposed to mean, but more on this perhaps later!} has even apparently confirmed that when someone’s material requirements have been adequately met, the person’s focus turns more towards God.
Moreover, since Satsang is to spread in the world, we shall require finances in mammoth quantities.

The Satsang ideal exhorts Satsangis to aim for “ausath darje ki” or moderate degree {& not “aala” or superior} material facilities. Perhaps this was based on the expectation that any human who pursues wealth and possessions to a great degree gradually gets attached to them, & begins to greed them more. This effectively diverts her or him from the true goal of salvation.

Yet Satsangis are not to beg, borrow or steal to subsist, but are to live by their own work, or by the sweat of one’s own brow. However, several Satsangis are in dire straits and amelioration of their state may be regarded in certain ways to be the responsibility of others.

Most importantly, for Satsang to adequately spread in the world
{“Badhath Satsang ab din din / aha ha ha oho ho ho.”},
phenomenal finances will be required. Hence, Satsangis may be excused a greater attempt at more earnings, if their focus on the true Abode remains foremost in their minds, & the striving is oriented towards Seva in some form or the other.

Paisa saath nahin jatha hai, sachi Bahkti aur Seva hee saath zarur jathe hain. That is, one doesn’t lug one’s lucre or cash into the afterlife, only one’s devotions and services get carried forward into the beyond as one’s spiritual capital. More money is good, desirable & beneficial, to the extent that it enables more & better Bhakti & Seva. The efforts for added riches become bad, undesirable & self-defeatist if they are at the expense of one’s faith, or distance oneself from one’s quest for salvation.

Note: This is drawn from & inspired by the scriptures, practices & teachings pertaining to the Radhasoami religion of Dayalbagh.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

If God Were to Manifest. {91.}

If God Were to Manifest. {91.}

“If the flowers of His face, from the garden they are in, burst into laughter;
The spring of life would be renewed, the tree of body would burst into laughter.
If that essence of the essence of life appeared all by Himself;
My body would come to life with the Grace, my soul would burst into laughter.
If that speaker par excellence opened His mouth to speak;
The dead body would gain the power of speech,
the stuttering heart would burst into laughter.
If that master of all beauty revealed the beauty of His face;
All the robes of beauty would {be torn apart and } burst into laughter.”

---- “Reading Mystical Lyric: The Case of Jalal al-Din Rumi.”
Translated by Fatemeh Keshavarz; Divan 2525:1-2, 4-5, 7.

Still Yourself for Divine Union. {90.}

Still Yourself for Divine Union. {90.}

“Still your mind in me,
still yourself in me,
and without a doubt
you shall be united with me,
Lord of Love,
dwelling in your heart.”
---- The Bhagavad Gita.

Stay Content; Shun Idle Gossip. {89.}

Stay Content; Shun Idle Gossip. {89.}

“Faith, contentment and tolerance
are the food and provisions of the angels.
They obtain the Perfect Vision of the Lord,
while those who gossip find no place of rest.”
---- The Guru Granth Sahib.

Death Inevitable for All Living. {88.}

Death Inevitable for All Living. {88.}

“Every soul shall have a taste of death:
And only on the Day of Judgment
shall you be paid your full recompense.
Only he who is saved far from the Fire
and admitted to the Garden
will have attained the object {of Life}:
For the life of this world
is but goods and chattels of deception.”

---- The Quran; Surah 3:185.

Friday, June 4, 2010

The Best Motivation for Action. {87.}

The Best Motivation for Action. {87.}

“Do everything in love.”

---- The Bible; Corinthians, 16:14.

Choose Words Carefully for Effect. {86.}

Choose Words Carefully for Effect. {86.}

“Whatever words we utter
should be chosen with care,
for people will hear them
and be influenced by them
for good or ill.”

---- Gautama Buddha.

Satsangis Promised Two Priceless Boons. {85.}

Satsangis Promised Two Priceless Boons. {85.}

Satsangis, or the followers of the Radhasoami religion of Dayalbagh, have been promised two priceless boons. Satsangis frequently do not realize how extremely fortunate they are. Hence, it would help to expressly restate them here briefly.

The first Priceless Boon that Satsangis have been promised by the Incarnation of Radhasoami Dayal & the Param Guru of Dayalbagh is that once an individual surat or soul has been mercifully granted initiation into the Radhasoami religion, it stands instantly freed from the cycle of 'Chaurasi lakh yonis’ or 84 lakh different life species, to which the rest of living creatures are subject; & within a maximum of four successive janams or lifetimes, its entire process of eradication of Karmas shall be effected, & the surat be enabled a place in Radhasoami Dham, the loftiest divine realm in existence.

The second Priceless Boon is one for whom we must all be grateful to Param Guru Huzur Maharaj Ji. He had once prayed to our August Founder, & sought the categorical assurance that the Nij Dhar or Incarnated Divine Current may Be Pleased not to ever Return to Its original Abode until Its Mission of universal salvation in this world-system was fully achieved. Param Purush Puran Dhani Huzur Soami Ji Maharaj had thereupon mercifully granted this too. This naturally includes within it incalculable Grace for all non-Satsangis, & other living beings as well.

Note: This is drawn from & inspired by the scriptures, practices & teachings pertaining to the Radhasoami religion of Dayalbagh.

Uncontrollable Mystical Love for God. {84.}

Uncontrollable Mystical Love for God. {84.}

“Again I am raging, I am in such a state, by your soul
that every bond you bind, I break, by your soul.
I am like heaven, like the moon, like a candle by your glow;
I am all reason, all love, all soul, by your soul.
My joy is of your doing, my hangover of your thorn;
whatever side you turn your face, I turn mine, by your soul.
I spoke in error; it is not surprising to speak in error in this state,
for this moment I cannot tell cup from wine, by your soul.
I am that madman in bonds who binds the “divs”;
I, the madman, am a Solomon with the “divs”, by your soul.
Whatever form other than love raises up its head from my heart,
forthwith I drive it out of the court of my heart, by your soul.
Come, you who have departed, for the thing that departs comes back;
neither you are that, by my soul, nor I am that, by your soul.
Disbeliever, do not conceal disbelief in your soul,
for I will recite the secret of your destiny, by your soul.
Out of love of Sham-e-Tabrizi, through wakefulness or nightrising,
like a spinning mote I am distraught, by your soul.

---- “Mystical Poems of {Jalaluddin} Rumi 2”; translated by A. J. Arberry.

Immortal Soul Continues Beyond Death. {83.}

Immortal Soul Continues Beyond Death. {83.}

“There has never been a time
when you and I have not existed,
nor will there be a time
when we will cease to exist.
As the same person inhabits the body
through childhood, youth, and old age,
so too at the time of death,
he attains another body.
The wise are not deluded by these changes.”

---- The Bhagavad Gita.

Monday, May 31, 2010

A “Colorful” Description of Saintliness. {82.}

A “Colorful” Description of Saintliness. {82.}

“My mind is imbued with the Lord’s Love;
it is dyed a deep crimson.
Truth and charity are my white clothes.
The blackness of sin is erased
by my wearing of blue clothes,
and meditation on the Lord’s Lotus Feet
is my robe of honor.”

---- The Guru Granth Sahib.

Scars of Love on Hearts. {81.}

Scars of Love on Hearts. {81.}

“The earth and the sand are burning.
Put your face on the burning sand
and on the earth of the road,
since all those who are wounded by love
must have the imprint on their face,
and the scar must be seen.
Let the scar of the heart be seen,
for by their scars are known the men
who are in the way of love.”

---- The Prophet Mohammed.

Prayer for Forgiveness and Purity. {80.}

Prayer for Forgiveness and Purity. {80.}

“Have mercy on me, O God,
according to your unfailing love;
according to your great compassion,
blot out my transgressions.
Wash away all my iniquity
and cleanse me from my sin.”

---- The Bible; Psalm, 51:1-2.

Choose the Path of Meditation. {79.}

Choose the Path of Meditation. {79.}

“Meditation brings wisdom;
lack of meditation leaves ignorance.
Know well what leads you forward
and what holds you back,
and choose the path that leads to wisdom.”

---- Gautama Buddha.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Procedure for Joining Radhasoami Religion. {78.}

Procedure for Joining Radhasoami Religion. {78.}

What should a person seeking initiation into the Radhasoami religion of Dayalbagh practically do?

Of course, this presupposes that the person has realized that s/he believes Radhasoami Dayal to be the Supreme Being, & believes in His Living Incarnation as the Param Guru of Dayalbagh, & also believes in the key tenets of the Radhasoami religion of Dayalbagh.

Secondly, this assumes that the seeker is both a vegetarian & a teetotaler, or is ready to turn so.

Next, the person should try to find out where Satsang is regularly conducted in a nearby colony / town / city under the aegis of a Satsang Branch duly affiliated to the Radhasoami Satsang Sabha.

It may be added that at present Satsang is being regularly conducted in most towns / cities in India, & in various countries abroad, ranging from neighboring Nepal to the US.

Having found the above out, one should go there & convey to the Branch Secretary one’s desire to register as a Seeker at the Branch, & be guided by her or his instructions.

I may add that registered Seekers are to attend Satsang regularly for over a year, besides reading three prescribed preliminary scriptures, after which formal proceedings are begun at the Branch for their getting initiation into the Faith from the central headquarters of Dayalbagh Branch.

Note: This is drawn from & inspired by the scriptures, practices & teachings pertaining to the Radhasoami religion of Dayalbagh.

Attain the Pole Star’s Constancy. {77.}

Attain the Pole Star’s Constancy. {77.}

“He who exercises government
by means of his virtue
may be compared to the north polar star,
which keeps its place in the firmament,
and all the stars turn towards it.”

---- Confucius, The Confucian Analects.

Gain Control over Your Mind. {76.}

Gain Control over Your Mind. {76.}

“One who has control over the mind
is tranquil in heat and cold,
in pleasure and pain,
and in honor and dishonor;
and is ever steadfast with the Supreme Self.”

---- The Bhagavad Gita.

Thirst for the Divine Name. {75.}

Thirst for the Divine Name. {75.}

“You are the Ocean of Water, and I am Your fish.
Your Name is the drop of water, and I am a thirsty sparrow-hawk.”

---- The Guru Granth Sahib.

Death Variously Relieves Dead, Living. {74.}

Death Variously Relieves Dead, Living. {74.}

“Narrated Abu Qatada bin Rib’i Al-Ansari:
A funeral procession passed by Allah’s Apostle, who said, “Relieved or relieving?”
The people asked, “O Allah’s Apostle! What is relieved and relieving?”
He said, “A believer is relieved (by death) from the troubles and hardships of the world and leaves for the Mercy of Allah, while (the death of) a wicked person relieves the people, the land, the trees, (and) the animals from him.””

---- Sahih Bukhari, Volume 8, Book: To Make the Heart Tender (Ar-Riqaq), Hadith 519.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Sheer Power of Tiny Faith. {73.}

Sheer Power of Tiny Faith. {73.}

“If you have faith as small as a mustard seed,
nothing will be impossible for you.”

---- The Bible; Mathew, 17:20.

Overcome Necessary Challenge of Evil. {72.}

Overcome Necessary Challenge of Evil. {72.}

“There has to be evil so that good can prove its purity above it.”

---- Gautama Buddha.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Mandatory Requirements for Seeking Initiation. {71.}

Mandatory Requirements for Seeking Initiation. {71.}

The Radhasoami religion of Dayalbagh is declaredly for universal salvation.
Hence, its doors are basically open to all sincere seekers of God & salvation.
However, certain mandatory requirements for those seeking to join this final humanity’s religion may be listed as follows:

The devotional pre-essential of beliefs in:
* Radhasoami Dayal as representing the Name of the Supreme Godhead;
* Radhasoami Dayal’s Being the Presiding Deity of the most exalted paradise in existence {Radhasoami Dham}; &
* The Param Guru of Dayalbagh Being the Living Incarnation on earth of Radhasoami Dayal.

Besides, anyone wishing to join the Radhasoami religion of Dayalbagh is compulsorily required to shun completely & for all time the consumption of:
* Nonvegetarian food in all forms {including egg}; &
* All intoxicants, such as liquor & drugs.

Note: This is drawn from & inspired by the scriptures, practices & teachings pertaining to the Radhasoami religion of Dayalbagh.

Differences among People and Values. {70.}

Differences among People and Values. {70.}

“The superior person understands what is right;
while the inferior one understands what will sell.”

---- Confucius.


You Are God’s Powerful Tool. {69.}

You Are God’s Powerful Tool. {69.}

“The power of God is with you at all times;
through the activities of the mind,
senses, breathing, and emotions;
and is constantly doing all the work
using you as a mere instrument.”
---- The Bhagavad Gita.

Conquer Death while Yet Alive. {68.}

Conquer Death while Yet Alive. {68.}

“While you are alive, conquer death,
and you shall have no regrets in the end.”

---- The Guru Granth Sahib.

Monday, May 17, 2010

The Kind Deserve Allah’s Mercy. {67.}

The Kind Deserve Allah’s Mercy. {67.}

“Allah has no mercy upon one who has no mercy upon others.”

---- The Quran.

God: Everlasting Light & Glory. {66.}

God: Everlasting Light & Glory. {66.}

“The sun shall be no more thy light by day,
neither for brightness
shall the moon give light unto thee,
but the Lord shall be unto thee
an everlasting light
and thy God thy glory.”

---- The Bible; Isaiah: 60:19.

You Owe Yourself as Well. {65.}

You Owe Yourself as Well. {65.}

“You, yourself,
as much as anybody else in the entire universe,
deserve your love and affection.”

---- Gautama Buddha.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Primary Qualifications for Becoming Satsangi. {64.}

Primary Qualifications for Becoming Satsangi. {64.}

Some time back, I had received a request from a DEI {Dayalbagh Educational Institute; Deemed University} student seeking to join one of my Orkut Radhasoami communities.

I asked her if she was a Satsangi / from a Satsangi family / Jigyasu or Seeker.

She wrote back saying, “I am neither a Satsangi, nor from a Satsangi family, nor am I a Jigyasu, but I believe in Almighty Huzur.”

It was with great delight that I approved her request, replying, “& that is the most important thing, of course!”

So, who can become a Satsangi, or join the Radhasoami religion of Dayalbagh?

Are there any restrictions on the basis of caste, race, nationality, one’s erstwhile religious allegiance, etc.?

None at all; {age, yes}.

The primary & vital requirement is that the person believes in the teachings of the Radhasoami religion, specifically that:
**** The name of the Supreme Godhead is Radhasoami Dayal;
**** The Revered Leader of the Radhasoami religion headquartered in Dayalbagh Is the Living Incarnation of Merciful Radhasoami; &
**** One wants to accept His Guidance & Mastership for one’s spiritual practices & salvation.

All other behavioral or practical requirements, such as being a pure vegetarian & teetotaler, attending Satsang at a Branch, are secondary to & flow from this central act of transferring the responsibility for one’s spiritual welfare onto the Sant Satguru of Dayalbagh.
Note: This is drawn from & inspired by the scriptures, practices & teachings pertaining to the Radhasoami religion of Dayalbagh.

Orderliness is a Sequential Achievement. {63.}

Orderliness is a Sequential Achievement. {63.}

“To put the world in order, we must first put the nation in order;
to put the nation in order, we must first put the family in order;
to put the family in order, we must first cultivate our personal lives;
& we must first set our hearts right.”

---- Confucius.

Anger Causes One’s Own Disruption. {62.}

Anger Causes One’s Own Disruption. {62.}

“Delusion arises from anger.
The mind is bewildered by delusion.
Reasoning is destroyed when the mind is bewildered.
One falls down when reasoning is destroyed.”

---- The Bhagavad Gita.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Pining for Lord’s Beautiful Countenance. {61.}

Pining for Lord’s Beautiful Countenance. {61.}

“Your Face is so Beautiful,
and the Sound of Your Words imparts intuitive wisdom.
It is so long since this sparrow-hawk
has had even a glimpse of water.”

---- The Guru Granth Sahib.

Warning over Results of Actions. {60.}

Warning over Results of Actions. {60.}

“Whoever brings good, he shall have better than it;
and they shall be secure from terror on the day.
And whoever brings evil, these shall be
thrown down on their faces into the fire;
shall you be rewarded {for} aught except what you did?
I am commanded only that
I should serve the Lord of this city,
Who has made it sacred, and His are all things;
and I am commanded that
I should be of these who submit;
And that I should recite the Quran.
Therefore whoever goes aright,
he goes aright for his own soul,
and whoever goes astray, then say:
I am only one of the warners.
And say: Praise be to Allah,
He will show you His signs
so that you shall recognize them;
nor is your Lord heedless of what you do.”

---- The Quran; Al-Naml: 89-93.