Sunday, June 22, 2008

Earnestness Leads One to God. {2.}

Earnestness Leads One to God. {2.}

“Earnestness is the path of immortality {Nirvana},
thoughtlessness the path of death.
Those who are in earnest do not die,
those who are thoughtless are as if dead already.”

---- Gautama Buddha; The Dhammapada, 2:1.


The Supreme Godhead's Grace Helps. {1.}

The Supreme Godhead's Grace Helps. {1.}

Radhasoami Dayal Ki Daya
Radhasoami Sahai

May Compassionate Radhasoami Shower His Grace
May Radhasoami Help

Import: These two lines represent the fundamental belief, prayer & trust in the Radhasoami religion of Dayalbagh.

The nonpareil Grace of the Supreme Being Radhasoami is preessentially evident in the Incarnated Divine Current or Nij Dhar having Descended to earth, for the express & most glorious Mission of universal salvation.

The dynamic function of divine help is enacted through the agency of the Param Guru or Grand Master, Who Helps devotees with merciful beneficial Guidance.
Satsangis have been enjoined to constantly reaffirm this root Mantra within themselves.